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How schools are stepping up for students when they need it most

By Marissa Gillett | Apr 03, 2020

In our last blog, we featured the many wonderful ways that libraries are assisting their patrons during COVID-19 closures, but libraries aren’t the only institutions stepping up for their own. As schools continue to cancel classes for longer periods of time, they are supporting their students in some amazing ways.

Educators have recently shifted into overdrive (pun intended) to ensure the success of students and are striving to provide as much normalcy and structure as they can beyond the walls of their campuses. Most schools have implemented remote learning by supplying technology for students, adjusting class schedules, and providing guides or counseling for parents to support their children in their learning.

Among the easiest ways schools have connected their students to the classroom from home is by offering 24/7 access to their collection of ebooks and audiobooks through OverDrive’s Sora app. Students from our partnering schools are able to access thousands of books to choose from, and many schools are taking advantage of our no cost books for remote learners, which includes 200+ premium simultaneous use titles to supplement their school’s digital library.

School librarians have done an amazing job promoting their digital collections to students using our School’s Closed Kit and Always Available Classics Kit. Both kits can be found on OverDrive’s Resource Center, and include digital graphics that can be shared on social media to reach students using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to stay informed on school updates.

Sora isn’t the only way our school partners are engaging their student readers. Atascocita Middle School took their Lunch and Lit Book Club virtual, allowing students to discuss their latest book club pick over Zoom. April is School Library Month, and Pitt County Schools aren’t letting their school’s closure stop them from celebrating! For the entire month of April, they will be hosting virtual read-alongs for students at home to enjoy.

Technology is playing a huge role in how schools are bringing together students after going remote. High school students from Cobb County School District coordinated virtual choir and band performances. Northwood High School is also utilizing technology as a way to unify their students. By tagging their social media posts with their chosen hashtag, students were able to participate in Spirit Week from their homes.

Educators aren’t limiting their efforts to their students either. Schools like Alpine School District are donating masks and gloves to local fire departments and hospitals, and Aurora Public Schools are just one of many school districts that have set up free meal distribution for children in their communities. It’s easy to take teachers, media specialists, and administrative staff for granted, but it’s times like these that their love and compassion is undeniable.

As an update to our 2020 tour, we have extended our time off the road until May 17th. We will continue to make updates to our tour as time goes on, but know that we are looking forward to getting back out on the road as soon as we can.